
Effects of Out of School Children in our Nation

There are several ways of engineering a society. They include laws, norms, rules and procedures.  However, these will remain unfruitful without adequate education which is simply providing an institutional structure for training members of the society. The youth and children are the most malleable members of every society, this is why they are the future of a nation. To determine the future of a nation, consider the education and training given to the youth and children. Therefore, when they are out of school it simply means that the future of the nation is at stake. The aspects that are endangered include economy, security and politics.

Children of today are the human resources that should contribute to the workforce of the country in the future but when they are not educated it negatively affects the future workforce. The problem is not their lack of employment, rather they would be found in menial jobs that do not contribute to the economy of the country neither does it help in its technological advancement. This is why our society suffers from backwardness as it will remain behind the advanced economies. However if the society ensures that children are provided access to quality education, more professionals are then  produced for the benefit of the economy and improved GNP (Gross National Product).

When children/youth are out of school, their idleness  leads to the increase in social vices and community crime rate. Pickpocketing, burglary, drug abuse, destruction of government property. Children lose the cultural fabric of the society making the society chaotic.

Politically, leaders of the country were produced in schools. Hence if these children do not have access to quality education, the chances of getting good leadership in the country is quite dim, the future will be in shambles. Experiences such as not knowing the right principles of democracy will cause wrong persons to come into power. Today youth sell votes, although being out of school is not the only reasons for that, however, lack of education is a major cause of ignorance, and are incapacitated and they cannot change anything

The solution is not just sending them to school, which is a starting point. More to it is the provision of quality education that is effective in reaching the youth to take right steps in nation building.

21st Century Learning

Learning as an act has changed over several central just like a chameleon, leaning puts on the nature of the current century in which it is taking place for example in the classical Greek period, students decide who their teacher should be, Socrates choose Plato and Aristotle admired Plato to be his teacher. The reverse has been the case since the introduction of the University setting. Universities provides the teachers and courses for student today. However learning in 21st century is characterized by variant of learning style and resources which is not limited to a location, hence being influenced by the ongoing globalization process which is integrating the diverse would.

The act of learning can therefore be put into a 21st century category which are

Four Cs of learning



-critical thinking

-creative innovation

Communication: covers beyond the verbal, written and local patters to the non-verbal, non-written and so on. The following are the new and easily comprehended medium of learning; these involve pictures, sounds, sign- language, body languages and symbols. Furthermore, understanding values and attitudes that can be interpreted in their individual content are necessary for 21 century learning. Media and technology have aided the promotion of these in short videos that are produced to enable easier comprehension.

Collaboration: since all these communication elements cannot be found in similar form in one location, there is need for collaboration. In a diverse team where the teacher is from another part of the world as well as every team player is different, a need arises where every team player is required to work with one another efficiently. School (organization) do not only promote respect but tap from the cultural diversity from the team. A new hybrid of communication element are developed towards the common goal which enable effective collaboration.

Critical Thinking: the 21st century learning has transcended beyond the “yes sir” kind of learning, where every idea is internalized without questioning. Schools and other learning institutions now experience the authority of what they teach, being challenged by new research. Therefore critical thinking is necessary to identify areas that need development beyond the traditional why of doing things. For example there are deductive and inductive research that reflect the practicality and efficiency of critical thinking.

Creative Innovation: do you know how to tell a story? Then you can sell everything. This is creativity. Creativity is presenting ideas that are conventional in an unconventional way, think of the design of a Maserati made into a Jacuzzi. Creativity will be learning mathematics in a computer game or English language in a voice recognition device. These are techniques created through team brainstorming. Creativity comes within environments that are both conventional and unconventional.

Learning in 21st century has therefore taken new shape with pointers to the globalization process. Communication style has led to collaboration that provides critical thinking and creative innovation.

The Importance of Play in Learning for Children

Play enables children to hone their creativity skills by making use of their active imagination, physical, cognitive, and emotional concentration. Play is essential to a healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very young age engage and interact with the world and people around them. It has been shown to help children adapt to the school setting and even to enhance children’s learning readiness, learning behaviors, and problem-solving skills.

Socio-emotional learning is best integrated with education; it concerns if some of the forces that enhance children’s ability to learn are elevated at the expense of others. Play at unscheduled time that allow for peer interactions are necessary components of social-emotional learning.


Benefits of Play Learning Includes but not limited to the Following:

  1. Play allows children to explore a world they can master, building their confidence, while practicing adult roles, improving their interaction with other children or adult caregivers.
  2. As they master their world, play helps children develop new competencies and strengths that lead to enhanced resiliency they will need to face future challenges they encounter.
  3. Unsupervised play learning allows kids to grow interpersonal skills, to resolve conflicts, to share, to negotiate, to learn self-advocacy skills and team bonding.
  4. When play is child-driven, kids practice decision-making skills, move at their own pace, discover their areas of passion, and eventually engage fully in the interests they wish to pursue.
  5. Ideally, much of play involves adults, but when a play learning activity is controlled by adults, children adhere to strict rules and directions and lose some of the benefits play offers them, particularly in developing creativity, leadership, and group skills.
  6. In contrast to passive entertainment, play builds active, fit bodies. In fact, it has been insinuated that encouraging unstructured play is an exceptional way to boost physical activity in children, which is one key strategy in the resolution of the obesity epidemic.


Conclusively, play is a simple joy that is appreciated as part of childhood and should not be neglected. Play learning is fundamental to the academic atmosphere. It ensures that the school setting attends to the social and emotional growth of kids as well as their cognitive development.

Poverty and Education

The relationship between education and poverty still exist as a persistent epidemic of the 21 century. The lack of necessary knowledge and skills that could ensure an improve life standard contributes to this epidemic. Studies have shown that the basic level child education is important to any other stages in the life of every child. This is because the learning that takes place at the basic level, leads to the continued success in subsequent educational level, working years and other ramifications of life. This stage is a prime stage because it creates a foundation for the development of social and emotional cognition in children. It provides for a pattern of assimilation that is carried through a significant period of their lives.


The impact that basic education provided to children and youth is the hope of the opportunity to increase the standard of living of their family. It is also readily appreciated even by the poorest of families. Funding basic education will be well appreciated; even the poorest and deprived families perceive the importance and are relieved from trying to cut out of nothing to provide it for their children’s education.


The correlation between security and education is expansive because it has to do with securing a job, productivity, society and the nation’s future. If anyone is worried about insecurity in the nation, the issue of security includes the providing the basic education. Illiteracy and innumeracy are a tremendous deprivation of the opportunity to be productive in the societies. The outcome of this is a chaotic nation. The milestones to increase the security and productivity of a nation are funding of basic school education towards the direct reduction of the basic deprivation.


“If we do not enable children with skills they need to the job out there, we are going to live with profound negative impacts across the globe. There’s no way a country can progress without training the mental faculty of our children because that will build the abilities and God giving talents” (Dr. Amoah-Asare)


Therefore let us intensify our efforts in funding basic education as it would translate to nurturing a child, caring for a family and building a national security.

Child Bullying – It’s Effects and Lasting Solutions

Bullying is an act perpetrated by one or more individuals, who intentionally cause fear, harm or intimidation to others.

It’s a disturbing fact that children all over the world are being bullied on a daily basis, but it’s even more disturbing when you find out that your child is being bullied. Most bullying occurs at school where children come together every day, making it almost unavoidable.


Children who are being bullied usually keep this problem to themselves, because they think that telling a teacher or a parent could result in a dilemma which could fuel up the bullying. They become quiet and withdraw from participation, and sometimes display anger tantrums or show signs of bullying their younger siblings at home.


Child Bullying is also one of the key reasons kids stay out of school regardless of their parents being able to afford to send them to school, many kids do not want to go to school because of this issue. Bullying has a negative impact on child’s performance in school. They become timid and are shy to ask questions in class relating to their studies.


Parents are usually the last to know if their child is being bullied, so it’s essential for them to look out for signs. So what would you do if you find that your child is being bullied? Confront the bully? Confront the bully’s parents? Confront the teacher for doing nothing? Report the problem to your child’s school?


Firstly, consider your child’s feelings. If they are willing to talk to you about the problem, then try to work through a lasting solution with them. Remember, it is your child who is the victim so let them know that you will support them in their decision. It might be that your child is being bullied by several other children and any rash decisions taken by you could make matters worse.

If matters do get worse you might have to consider removing your child from the school, but that’s no guarantee that a similar problem won’t occur in another school. Hence the need to find a lasting solution. Another point to consider is the level of bullying. It may well start with verbal abuse leading to psychological torment and eventually result in physical violence.


If you speculate that your child is being bulled, it can lead to a real dilemma, and as a responsible parent, you have to make the right decision based on the facts. But there is also one other option that might just outweigh all the others, and that’s to make your child “bully-proof”.


Bullies tend to pick on kids who they consider to be weaker than them, or have a disability or are timid or are not able to fight back. They use fear to dominate their victims. If you could teach your child to face up to the bully and to defend them self, even physically if they have to, then the bully will no doubt find another, easier victim to pick on.


You should also consider building your child’s confidence, feeling confident in one’s self is a sure way to face any dilemma. Ensure your child’s self-confidence is worked on so that they wouldn’t be shy to talk or express themselves outside.

Looking Into The Horizon

Everyone talks about the future, my future, our future, community future etc., everyone has a future, a dream, a profession, a course to run. BUT AS we join the race towards the horizon, the fears of what lies ahead grips our heart. We are getting home but getting nowhere… there anyone who will hear this, whose heart cares about what we might become.

One could not but notice the innocence of the children of the global community in Africa as their heart whispers a call for hope. But they themselves, barely can understand now but they will look back sounding in thank to the individuals and communities who answered their call, just in the same way every adult looks back in appreciation to everyone who contribute to their success or vice versa. The future is now, invest in the child education and give knowledge to a world’s changer.

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Happy New Year

Looking back at the year 2017 ,  we reflect on our achievements , challenges and of course – our apex moments on the field.

Is been nothing but impeccable and priceless gift to mankind at this very age when selfless,  unconditional and steady love to one another is medicine to many troubled souls.

As passionate volunteers we are proud that we made every moment count and accounted for. We are thankful that good health of body and mind is our greatest reward for our little contributions to our society,  country and mankind.

We say  thank you to everyone that encouraged and supported us in this journey thus far and we hope we were able to convince the skeptics that volunteering is the best definition of life and how it should be lived.

Is another year but still the same vision to achieve an improved world where lifelong learning is accessible and embraced by everyone

We believe that the best is yet to come,  as the year 2018 reassures us of many possibilities, opportunities and time frame to be our true selves through volunteering .

Happy New Year !

The Story of a Determined Instrumentalist and Kolb’s Learning Cycle

These are the four stages of kolb’s experiential learning cycle, starting off with concrete experience down to active experimentation. This cycle has been widely used by most successful persons all over the world.

Aristotle once said that for things we have to learn before we can do them, we must learn by doing them. There is a popular saying that “whatever is worth doing is worth doing well”, that is giving it your 110%. The following brief story captures the experiential learning cycle.

Victor, popularly known as ‘VikkyKeys’, started off as a drummer at the age of 7 while in primary school. At age 10, after he graduated, his strength, dexterity and versatility in drum playing had increased. Later on in high school, Victor decided to learn other musical instruments, such as the keyboard and guitar because he believed in himself and his ability to conquer the challenge. His hunger for the knowledge and skills in playing these other instruments grew during church services on weekdays and Sundays; he always peeked at the keyboardist playing. However, in spite of his young age he was not content with just watching the keyboardist do wonders each service so he pleaded with the keyboardist to tutor him on the basics of the instrument. He built on his lessons with the help of nobody to develop himself, scaling the rudiments of the elusive instrument (this process demonstrates Concrete Experience).

In SS3 now, an amateur at playing the keyboard, a professional at hitting, Victor possesses what many would call raw talent. Victor knew that it was his hard work that got him where he is.

To demonstrate the other three areas of the cycle, after two unsuccessful jamb trials victor finally pulled through to Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Imo state, to study Agricultural Engineering though filing Mechanical Engineering. As a fresher in college he was captured by a fellowship group, Student Christian Movement (SCM) where he met contemporaries at his craft and realized he was just a beginner compared to the individuals he had encountered (this is Reflective Observation). During his 100 level, while being mentored, he was challenged by his level mates who were far better than him (Reflective Observation). He knew that to assert himself as an asset within the group he must be extraordinary at what he does. He delved into guitar playing and developed himself. He started off by searching the internet for videos which he studied and practiced off almost every day. YouTube was his favourite source. By the end of his 200 level, Victor became a valuable asset to the fellowship group and other fellowship groups within the four walls of FUTO, as an instrumentalist who possessed the skills to play the drums and keyboard amongst his contemporaries (this demonstrates Abstract Conceptualization).

Further, by the end of his school year graduating with a second class upper, Victor become one of the most sought out instrumentalists in Nigeria featuring in live concerts across the country.

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Community Engagement

As our Culture,  we practice seasoned engagement ranging  from our sitting position to our feedback sessions and to energizer.

We understand that for an effective development and general result in our work,  engaging ourselves first and the community we serve is key and fundamental.

Community engagement is about involving the people you serve, not just as beneficiaries of your projects  but as partners in accomplishing your mission – Hillary Binder-Aviles, independent  NGO Consultant .

When people are actively engaged in efforts to improve their own lives and their neighbor’s lives,  they  become more aware of issues and committed to solving them.  They also learn new skills and gain confidence in their ability to effect change; Engagement is Empowerment .

With engagement comes the 21st century skills (Communication, Creativity, Critical thinking, Collaboration and Cross-cultural competence) which we believe is paramount for youth participation in governance,  self development and Community development .

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Volunteer Mindset

We’ve come to understand over the years the power of mindset and of course what we can do with  such power .

Hence,  it is eminent for us to have the right  mindset as a prerequisite to achieving our goals.

Our mindset then is “thinking globally ” which have given birth to numerous and continuous results that we take pride in.

The Mind of a Volunteer is key to collabration,  communication,  critical thinking,  creativity, and crosscultural competence.  The importance is one that brings the best out of our team and makes sustainability fun and appetising .

We encourage our team members to practice discipline,  and to live their life appreciating hard work and most importantly commitment .

The Mind of any Volunteer can build a nation or destroy her.

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