Bullying is an act perpetrated by one or more individuals, who intentionally cause fear, harm or intimidation to others.
It’s a disturbing fact that children all over the world are being bullied on a daily basis, but it’s even more disturbing when you find out that your child is being bullied. Most bullying occurs at school where children come together every day, making it almost unavoidable.
Children who are being bullied usually keep this problem to themselves, because they think that telling a teacher or a parent could result in a dilemma which could fuel up the bullying. They become quiet and withdraw from participation, and sometimes display anger tantrums or show signs of bullying their younger siblings at home.
Child Bullying is also one of the key reasons kids stay out of school regardless of their parents being able to afford to send them to school, many kids do not want to go to school because of this issue. Bullying has a negative impact on child’s performance in school. They become timid and are shy to ask questions in class relating to their studies.
Parents are usually the last to know if their child is being bullied, so it’s essential for them to look out for signs. So what would you do if you find that your child is being bullied? Confront the bully? Confront the bully’s parents? Confront the teacher for doing nothing? Report the problem to your child’s school?
Firstly, consider your child’s feelings. If they are willing to talk to you about the problem, then try to work through a lasting solution with them. Remember, it is your child who is the victim so let them know that you will support them in their decision. It might be that your child is being bullied by several other children and any rash decisions taken by you could make matters worse.
If matters do get worse you might have to consider removing your child from the school, but that’s no guarantee that a similar problem won’t occur in another school. Hence the need to find a lasting solution. Another point to consider is the level of bullying. It may well start with verbal abuse leading to psychological torment and eventually result in physical violence.
If you speculate that your child is being bulled, it can lead to a real dilemma, and as a responsible parent, you have to make the right decision based on the facts. But there is also one other option that might just outweigh all the others, and that’s to make your child “bully-proof”.
Bullies tend to pick on kids who they consider to be weaker than them, or have a disability or are timid or are not able to fight back. They use fear to dominate their victims. If you could teach your child to face up to the bully and to defend them self, even physically if they have to, then the bully will no doubt find another, easier victim to pick on.
You should also consider building your child’s confidence, feeling confident in one’s self is a sure way to face any dilemma. Ensure your child’s self-confidence is worked on so that they wouldn’t be shy to talk or express themselves outside.